We don’t sell tutoring packages, or require lengthy contracts.
We focus on what your family needs to be successful in school.
We listen to discover what you need
We start by getting to know you and your student and hearing your needs. We trust parents to understand the situation. Those initial conversations help to clarify what the direction will be to make progress quickly and build confidence.
Together Define Goals
With an understanding of what is going on, we can clarify what tutoring can do to improve or enhance your student’s learning. We clearly define what the tutoring goal is before the first session, so that we start down an achievable path.
Find the Ideal Tutor
We believe the right personality matters as much as the right academic skills. Our tutors are role models, eager to support learning, re-enforce classroom content and help build confidence where it may be lacking at first; whether that is first grade reading or high school chemistry.
Monitor and Support
We provide ongoing monitoring of the agreed upon tutoring goal, and look for ways to evaluate success, including when allowed, communicating with classroom teachers, to ensure your goal is achieved and your experience is a positive one.